BOOK LAUNCH READING: Dennis Hinrichsen's schema geometrica

Join us Tuesday, October 12, at 8:00 p.m. (CST) to hear Dennis Hinrichsen read from his new collection, schema geometrica, winner of the inaugural Wishing Jewel Prize.


Some of us are content to rearrange the furniture. Dennis Hinrichsen has dismantled the walls, attached a wheelbase to the flooring, and reconfigured the power lines. And wait, I think he has levitated the shrubbery too. But fear not. Page by page and image by image, he leads us through the time- and memory-altering adventure that is schema geometrica. The poems are wild and rigorous at once, joyful and irreverent, abundant with intellect, and sometimes, yes, driven by rage at the wreckage we have made around us. This is not a comfortable couch of a lyric vision. This is lyric determined to imagine a future, and I admire it deeply.

—Linda Gregerson

schema geometrica is a “box of light” whittled from a life marred by darkness. Biblical ekphrasis & Daft Punk, Godzilla & gonorrhea, an extinct paddlefish & an Instagram model’s bodily brand of philanthropy—there are no subjects Dennis Hinrichsen can’t juxtapose & wield like a gilded mirror to orient the self in this confounding era. Lyrically dexterous, formally inventive, & humming with vulnerable surprise, schema geometrica is the work of a master poet.

—Marcus Wicker