Brandi George

After We Are Molested, Our Family Tells Us to Forget It

In Ovid     Michigan     Death’s spores sprout
after we crawl out of the trailer window      & leave

our mother’s house forever     we’re six
when our body transforms

the Thing that Happened into mushrooms
we forget how  the police officer

gave our mom a dirty look
when they questioned us about    the Thing

that Happened      we forget
how they urged us      to remember

the Thing that Happened
we never speak

of that   Thing             so just when we
completely forget    it Happened

the Thing         forms a fairy ring
inside our body      Now Death

lives inside us               Their eyes wink
from each wart of the mushroom’s cap

Their gills swell inside
our lungs     Their radioactive stalk

reinforces our spine      the slow drum
of Their spores beats time    while our hollows

become a home for Their children
after we leave our mother’s house forever

polyphonic    riddle-shocked    distorted
a sound wave stripped

of grace            Death sends us
through the forest    while eternity floats

down our throat     Pine-Constellation
Water-Orchard Sun-Bough   we lie awake

in the branches of a maple
     falling through shallow lobes

            a lake of sugar ready to return
as the moon burns holes through our skin

                           all night         we lie awake
crickets quicken heartbeats     

             nematodes restring ligaments
                  fungi colonize       our frontal lobe


             Death  take this body for Your own

because we want to become something else   
the doll thing that we were

             porcelain prey   virgin petal
                           pearl baby   is dead

because                 damsel corpse
            princess bait                 is dead


So our limbs became the leaves
                           the fallen          orange mosaic

taciturn            reborn with a baton of ruin
the Fibonacci sequence of the seeds

spiral galaxies               unfurling ferns
     reborn                     into the cosmos of Their eyes

in pupils           Death breathes infinitely matte
a flatness vacuumed through our adult pills

Zoloft  Ambien           the bottles crack

sleep inks its way across a wounded fly
            we contemplate the cumulous of Why


We’re reborn   when the pines exchange
                           our ego

            Rainbow Sparkle Pony
for their green god

            Snake Breath Magma  
meanwhile       Lady Gaga bleeds through earbuds

I’m gonna marry the night
I’m not              gonna cry anymore           


In a beginning the universe contracts
Death sucks in             Their breath & emptiness

is born             M-m-m-marry the night
forest demons eat        that pink helpless girl

with hair to her knees
doe eyes           church dress

remember        she’s already dead
            she’s as good as dead

she’s waiting to be killed
& to be killed              


            Death makes us one of Their own
                        capriciously      strangely

            the sound of waves                  the waves of sound
a primal sea opens shafts of speeding light

a sparrow watches as we sink into the water
touching stars reflected on the surface

when our fingertips arrive        they shatter
             pale fish stare into our face

we hold our breath      flagellum-hairs
surround our head       the ear-like fins of squid

our eyespots   see         we’re algae
                        ancient as our cells divide

into the water’s darkness               a triangle
desire becomes         weed sea beast      


Because           life & death      good & evil      love & hate

            you never know what Death might do

make runaways into gods                     & gods into runaways 
make trees into farmgirls                     & farmgirls into gods

           from Michigan & Louisiana
          Kentucky & Pennsylvania
            Texas & California

We pledge allegiance to the Moon                              
of the United Spores of Mycelium
and to the Sky for which we stand
one nation under Death
with wildflowers and seashells for all     

because you never know what Death might do
make a bower for us to rest where it’s always spring

            grow Death Caps    Morels     Fly Agarics
where hair brown-black-red-yellow-violet-silver

eats through rock                     spines branching
            underground for miles

            we’ll trade our dendrites for mycorrhizae
            irises for spore-prints               feed on the decay  
            of our tragedies                        because you see

we’re made of
            dirt      rivers      lightning

Brandi George is the author of Gog (Black Lawrence Press, 2015) and the play in verse, Faun (Plays Inverse, 2019). Her poems have recently appeared in American Poetry Review, Fence, and Orion. She teaches writing at FSW in Fort Myers, Florida.

ISSN 2472-338X
© 2021